Pastor Paul Owens
Is a strong apostolic voice of righteousness in the world today. He is senior pastor of Fresh Start Church in Peoria, Arizona, a multi-racial, multi-cultural church, where the word of God is being proclaimed boldly and lives are being changed through the power of the Holy Spirit.
On March 1, 1997 Paul Owens assumed the position of Senior Pastor of Fresh Start Church along with his wife Kim. Under Pastor Paul and Kim's leadership, Fresh Start Church has grown in every area of ministry and in attendance. Along with this, the church has added a new multi-purpose facility and expanded the main sanctuary.
Pastor Paul has committed his life to serving and helping people, regardless of their background or economic status, to reach their fullest potential. His teachings have touched countless lives with a message of salvation to the lost, revival to the church, and outreach to the community. Called to motivate and train leaders, he has an international influence and brings an apostolic word to change a nation for the Kingdom of God.
There is a new generation rising at Fresh Start Church, a generation without limits, a generation that believes all things are possible!

Pastor Kim Owens
Along with her husband Paul, are senior pastors of Fresh Start Church, in Peoria, Arizona, a multi-generational, multi-cultural church where the Spirit of Revival is alive, the truth of the Word of God is being proclaimed boldly and lives are being transformed through the manifested Presence & power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Kim is known for her straightforward, high impact messages. Preaching and teaching as a firebrand with divine revelation, she brings life to the Word of God and a hunger for more of His presence. Believers are established in foundational truths, as she delivers powerful insights from the Word of God. Her heart's desire is to gather believers around an encounter with the Holy Spirit, unite them in Kingdom purpose and lead the Church back to the altars for a life-changing encounter with God!